Don’t charge your phone at the airport! The strange advice of the American agency is viral, if you know the reality then you will also be saved

Whenever we have to catch a flight, we are often in a hurry. Even if you somehow reach the airport, a lot of time is spent in check-in and security checks. While passing through these queues, we keep scrolling the phone for hours without thinking. Keep watching videos. Stay busy on social media. Suddenly it is known that the battery of the phone is gone. We find a safe place to charge and start charging. But think if you are not making a mistake. The American agency has given strange advice to the people and said, do not charge the phone at the airport if it is not very important. Because hackers are waiting for you.

A post was shared from the official Twitter account of FBI Denver (@FBIDenver) which went viral. It states that avoid using free charging stations at airports, hotels or shopping centres. Hackers have found this safe way to load virus in your phone. Cyber ​​criminals leave infected USB cables in the hope that someone can use them. They are fitting malware and surveillance software into these places. You can become a victim as soon as you plug your USB port into it.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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